To Solve Complex Challenges and lead to path through Smart Discovery
Does any of this sound familiar?
My innovators don't collaborate enough.
My innovators lose sight of the big picture.
I need more visibility to leverage past and current innovations.
Too many great ideas get lost.
Valuable observations that could lead to discoveries get lost.
Long projects make it hard to keep track of ideas and decisions.
How can I assess how innovative my staff members are?
It is hard to pinpoint where I should support innovation.
GenAIz is an innovative software solution born out of the experiences of Uni3t. An innovator's assistant and knowledge management software system, GenAIz captures data related to innovation initiatives and all the other sources of data, information, and expertise available to a life-sciences organization to:
TRACK the evolution of a problem-solving challenge or an idea.
BUILD an organizational knowledge base, capturing and codifying key organizational knowledge with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques, whether it is already in a codified form or as tacit knowledge in the minds of the organization's workers and external partners.
SUPPORT the ability to experiment with more different solutions, encouraging out-of-the-box thinking.
GUIDE the scientific staff and provide AI-generated insights to their managers into how to conduct innovation endeavors to be more innovative.
MOTIVATE staff members in becoming more innovative through a recognition and scoring mechanism, as well as the organization at large more innovative by fostering more collaboration and knowledge sharing with AI-powered intermediation.